Tuesday 22 January 2019
9.45am – 12.30pm; registration from 9.15am
Guildford Harbour Hotel
With less than 3 months to go until the expiry of the two year period triggered under Article 50, we are still no clearer on what Brexit will actually mean for businesses in the UK.
There may be very little certainty for businesses prior to the UK’s withdrawal on 29 March 2019 (if it happens then). So what should you be doing now? Brexit raises unprecedented legal challenges for businesses across all sectors and practice areas.
Our ‘summit’ will look at the legal risks and challenges faced by businesses arising from Brexit and how best to mitigate them.
The event will include keynote presentations on the latest Brexit developments, immigration issues and commercial roundtable discussions on key topics to help share knowledge on risks and how to deal with them.
To book your place, please click on the link below to email Leticia Legarda.