Companies House halts voluntary and compulsory strike off processes

Companies House halts voluntary and compulsory strike off processes

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Companies House has announced that with effect from 21 January 2021 voluntary and compulsory strike off processes will be "paused" for the period of one month until 21 February 2021.

What does this mean?

  • Companies House will continue to publish first Gazette notices in respect of voluntary strike off applications during this period but will not be publishing second Gazette notices or striking companies off until after 21 February 2021.
  • With regards to compulsory strike offs, Companies House will not be publishing first or second Gazette notices until after 21 February 2021.
  • Companies House will continue to write to companies who are late filing their annual accounts or confirmation statement.

Why is Companies House "pausing" these processes?

Companies House have stated that these measures are intended to provide companies with more time to update their records and to help them avoid being struck off the register, as well as to give creditors and other interested parties who might have had difficulties receiving notices or registering an objection more time to respond, and Companies House more time to process any such responses.

The announcement can be found here.


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