New Year resolution construction webinar series session 3: the interim payment provisions of the construction act

New Year resolution construction webinar series session 3: the interim payment provisions of the construction act

New Year resolution construction webinar series session 1: improve sustainability

Get to grips with the interim payment provisions of the Construction Act 

Gwilym Evans and Christopher Lamb provide a step by step guide to understanding the who, what, when, where, why and how of the notices and payment provisions of the Construction Act in this video from our series of short construction webinars. 

The Construction Act requires the parties to serve a series of notices about payment, each within a specific and short timescale, and each containing certain specific information. It is not straightforward, but it is vital to get these notices right, in terms of timing and content, and a failure to do so can have very serious consequences.

To watch our other videos from this series, please use the links below:




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