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  1. Entrepreneurs


    We advise high net worth individuals looking to invest their money in a UK business.

    Start Up category

    You may be able to apply for a Start-up visa if you want to set up an innovative business in the UK. In order to apply you will need to be endorsed by an authorised body that is either a UK higher education institution or a business organisation with a history of supporting UK entrepreneurs and which is approved by the Home Office.

    You will need to be able to show that your business idea is:

    • a new idea - you cannot join in a business that is already trading
    • innovative - you must have an original business idea which is different from anything else on the market
    • viable - it has potential for growth

    In addition, you will need to show that you meet English language and maintenance requirements.

    Leave is usually granted for two years.

    Innovator category

    This route is aimed at experienced business people. You can apply for an Innovator visa if:

    • You want to set up and run an innovative business in the UK - it must be something that’s different from anything else on the market
    • Your business or business idea has been endorsed by an approved body, known as an endorsing body
    • You meet the other eligibility requirements, including English language and maintenance requirements

    In addition, if you want to set up a new business you must have at least £50,000 in investment funds to apply for an Innovator visa.

    With an Innovator visa you are able to set up a business in the UK and work in that business but you cannot undertake work as an employee of another business.

    Initial leave under this route is usually granted for three years and you may then be able to apply for a further three years’ leave or for settlement after three years. 

    The rules for each of the above routes are complex and we recommend taking advice as early as possible.


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  2. News


    The new scale-up visa

    Delays in UK visa processing times

    The new sponsorship roadmap

    Right to work checks update


    Briefing Notes

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